
What is holding you from living a happy life?

Several things make one feel miserable, stressing out one more than the other. When we are young, it seems everything is beautiful, and when we get to adulthood, the whole thing changes. There must be something that we need to change or adapt to feel good and start living a happy life. It is evident that the position one holds, the lifestyle or the living standard do not make one happy. Poor people are not all happy, rich people are not entirely pleasant. So what can makes one feel good and start living a happy life? Poor people are not satisfied, middle-class people are not all happy, rich people are not entirely happy, the equations are why? The answer is straightforward; it is how we think, which makes us happy or unhappy. We have been lying to ourselves when we say you make me happy to someone or even assume that if this and this happen, I will be satisfied. I thought before I will be happy when I finish school and get a good job living behind the production jobs I used to do....

Depression and Blue Monday

All the attention was on Blue Monday, which is not all that good for the human being. If you focus on something, it will grow, and I am not the first to say this. The fact remains that many people are depressed, let us not forget them and help them out. What I fail to understand is, is it a day to celebrate, or a day to morn or a day to eradicate the depression?  Yesterday was the better and today is the best for me because I am healthy and doing what I am supposed to do. I am thrilled to be able to take care of myself and others who need and depend on me. I woke up, as usual, being thankful for this excellent opportunity given to me. I feel incredibly blessed to stand on my foot offer help to those who need it most. Be thankful for the things that you have, which most people do not have. It is a blessing, and you need to show gratitude for the things that you have, which many people direly want and yet could not get it. The secret of living a happy life is to show gratitude f...