What is holding you from living a happy life?
Several things make one feel miserable, stressing out one more than the other. When we are young, it seems everything is beautiful, and when we get to adulthood, the whole thing changes. There must be something that we need to change or adapt to feel good and start living a happy life.
It is evident that the position one holds, the lifestyle or the living standard do not make one happy. Poor people are not all happy, rich people are not entirely pleasant. So what can makes one feel good and start living a happy life? Poor people are not satisfied, middle-class people are not all happy, rich people are not entirely happy, the equations are why?
The answer is straightforward; it is how we think, which makes us happy or unhappy. We have been lying to ourselves when we say you make me happy to someone or even assume that if this and this happen, I will be satisfied. I thought before I will be happy when I finish school and get a good job living behind the production jobs I used to do. That didn’t make me happy either. I was looking for the happiness till I came in contact with my coach back then Mamoon (may Allah SW bless him). My research on happiness went forth and gets books and articles about this topic, to make sure that I correctly understand this topic of happiness. My main aim in studying this topic was to help people who are not happy so that they can live a happy life.
Happiness is what you cannot see or describe, you can only feel. When you are happy you become enlightened. No heavy shoulder at all, no grudge or guilty feelings. If it is such simple, you might ask why we all don’t live a happy life. How you live your life is a matter of personal choice. If one looks for ways to live a happy, he/she will definitely find it through coaching.
If you look for the way to live a happy life, do not look for it in the wrong direction or the way that pleases you, but in the way that shows the truth about life. The person that might help you out can be nearer to you than you might have thought.
I wish you a good life full of joy and happiness, health, and success throughout the year.There are many ways of dealing with stress, depression, or anxiety, depending on their causes. My blog is all about how to deal with stress, depression, or anxiety. Follow my blog every week, where I share essentials with my readers. https://wordpress.com/customize/raadiim.wordpress.com or https://jamalmalikmilliondollarcoach.blogspot.com/
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